This year I have fallen behind several times due to stress of the kind that takes away all creative ability. Yes, it is said (even by me) that you should push through the block and just write something, but there are times when even that won't work. I think most people feel this when worried about one of their children. I won't post about all of that right now, we're still in the middle of it at this point, but I will in the future in the hope that I will be able to provide some help and hope to other parents who face similar issues.
Back to NaNo... The novel this year is a Christmas-themed humor story called North Pole: Confidential. It's the story of what really goes on up there, from Santa's fractured marriage, to disappearing elves, dirty cops, and a talking moose. The main character, through whose eyes most of the story unfolds is Jackson Frost, an investigator from the states sent north to find out what happened to Santa's right hand elf, who's been missing for several weeks. Other characters of interest include: Angel Claus, Santa's adopted daughter; Sergeant O'Hurley, grumpy local policeman; Mrs. Claus, a piece of work; Santa's colorful and coffee-loving assistant Donna; Angel's group of friends; and a little old lady called Teeny who is not what she seems.
I'll try to post an excerpt soon. Perhaps the entire first chapter. I rather like doing that.
Other NaNo happenings include my taking over as unofficial Municipal Liaison for my region, and running The NaNorphans Guild for mentorless newbies. The Guild has been my baby for four years running now, having been recruited to run it my first year, during which I was a 'Norhpan. I'm thinking it may be time to hand the reins over to someone else, as I've put in to be notified when applications open for next year's ML job. I love doing both, but I probably need to choose one.
Time for a break, to get away from the computer after catching up on internet things that go by the wayside during the challenges of the week, and play a game with the kids.