Last week, of course, Baron Frederick Spencer was surprised to be informed that his beloved granddaughter had been attacked, and then the man informing him of it immediately announced his wish to marry the girl.
I've skipped a few sentences here, and used creative punctuation. We're in Chapter 7, and Anton has answered Baron Spencer's question of "Who are you?" by giving his name and saying that he is the son of Count DuClerque. Baron Spencer, you must remember, has been out of the country for twenty years.
The baron looked skeptical. "You are too young to be Honore's son."
"True--it is my grandsire you speak of Baron Spencer, he was made Duke of Oglen some years past--my father, Marcel DuClerque, now carries the title of Count.
Frederick was not surprised to learn that Honore, so long ignored by king Gustave--to that ruler's folly and detriment--had been rewarded by King Phillip for his service by the granting of a dukedom. "And you propose to wed my Graciela?"
"Yes, your excellency."
"Take me to her." He would decide about the marriage later...after speaking with the Duke of Oglen and the current Count DuClerque.
Frederick is a practical man. First he must see to Graciela. Everything else, and everyone else, can wait. That's my snippet for the week. Be sure to visit all the other talented WeWriWa authors!