One other tiny thing is the 4 mm adenoma they found in his brain. I've noticed that some of the doctors don't like to use the word tumor. Probably because it scares people. And it scares people even more when combined with the word brain. The good news is, besides being in the tumor pee-wee league, this type of tumor is almost always harmless--heck, sometimes they even go away on their own. The not so good news is that because of its location it could be causing or poised to cause a boatload of trouble.
The overall mood of the day has been a positive one. And I'm pleased to report that Ben is happily watching SpongeBob DVDs from the Patient and Visitor Library, and even singing along with thte theme song. I also found a fantastic children's book called Taming the Diabetes Dragon by Anne Dennis. Her son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age two, and the book does a wonderful job of explaining the necessary care measures in a way children can understand. Whether Ben will let me read it to him or not, I'm getting a copy. It could help his siblings understand, and maybe his classmates.
On to the cafeteria food. Pretty satisfied. The pizza varies, depending on when you get there. The pumpkin pie was a disappointment, but I do admit to being spoiled in that regard by a very old family recipe that leaves all challengers writhing in agony on buffet tables of despair. The donuts are amazing. Here at Mayo they apparently know that the secret to the world's best donut is to take your average, ordinary yeast donut, cover it with a thin film of standard glaze, and then add chocolate frosting.
Concious of my decreased activity and my wish to be able to continue fitting into my clothes, I'm trying to make healthy choices (except for the occasional heavenly donut). The produce here is great. I ate broccoli the other day. That's a big deal for me. I have fruit every day, and I've been eating salad without being forced. The nice ladies who work during the week have been rather unhelpful about the calories by heaping my plate and asking me if I'm sure I don't want something more. I don't know where they got the idea that I need to gain weight, but their concern is touching. Actually I think it might be the same lady each time, and it might be more of a "you're paying full price, you might as well get a full plate" mentality. But I like to think she cares.
I'm getting tired and I've forgotten whether I actually had a point other than that the cafeteria food is pretty good, and things are probably looking up. Still no word on discharge. That all depends on Ben's stomach, and his head. I'll keep the updates coming as I can.
From the second floor atrium, I'm Kate Warren with half-rambling news.