This week I am marveling at the number of hits my website is getting from Russia, and the surge in my sales in Japan. Can I now call myself an internationally acclaimed author? Probably not, but it's a fun thought.
This week's eight sentences are coming to you courtesy of cold weather, failed recipes, and the letter Q. Why Q? It just seems so forlorn and left out sometimes, particularly in Scrabble games. Anyway, continuing with my historical fiction WIP The DeFord Chronicles, Part II, and using a new method of randomness I give you seven sentences from the end Chapter 6, plus the first of Chapter 7 because it just works better that way.
Anton DuClerque has just saved a young lady at court from possible rape. Afterwards, while he comforts her, they share a tender moment. Leaving the lady in the care of one of the princesses, Anton goes to find her grandfather, Baron Frederick Spencer and inform him of what has occurred.
Frederick turned at the sound of a voice he did not recognize.
Anton strode purposefully toward the older man. He stopped some few feet from the baron and informed him, in clipped tones of the attack upon his granddaughter.
Frederick did not know with whom to be more angry; the bastard who dared touch Graciela, or the man who now told him of the event with so little apparent feeling. Would a display of sympathy, some shrinking from the details of the attack not be appropriate when addressing a doting grandfather? He was wondering if he should not find his old sword and run some one or more men through with it when he was startled by a request from the young man standing in front of him.
"I wish to offer her the protection of marriage."
"Who are you?"
Perhaps in the future Anton will remember to introduce himself before he requests a lady's hand in marriage. That's my eight for the week. See you around the other blogs for WeWriWa.
P.S. If anyone is interested, the new method of randomness was to have my daughter choose a number, then search the corresponding chapter for a good snippet.