The ride home was largely uneventful. And the homecoming was great. Everyone was happy to see us. A neighbor brought over dinner so we wouldn't have to cook. Things went well until the next day.
We've all been through a lot. I'm still very worn out and Ben is not liking the changes in his access to food. In addition, his medication is not up to its previous level. He had one tantrum that first day, but the real problem was me. I'm so anxious about making a mistake. I really need to chill out but that will take me a while. My husband pointed out that I'm not nearly as concerned about his diabetes and what he eats. Of course he's not eight years old, or autistic. Husband can take care of himself to a point. Ben can't even begin to do that.
The last few days have been pretty good. He did get into a food we had left out because he'd never shown any interest in it. That did not help his blood sugars, but we knew they would go high as soon as his appetite returned and he started following his meal plan. He came home with a conservative dosing schedule for his insulin because he still wasn't eating normally yet. Tomorrow I will make the first adjustment to his dosage. Not a big one. We're only changing by one unit up or down at a time. And only one dose of one insulin. Given that all of his numbers have been higher than goal lately that means at least four days of adjusting before we see better numbers, because he's getting two shots, each with short-acting and long-acting insulin. Don't worry, they educated me about this. I passed with flying colors. The doctor's were calling me teacher's pet.
Had a meeting with some of the school staff to explain the basics about the (very few) changes. His snack will have to be limited and the time can't change based on the day's schedule. He starts back on Monday, after his first appointment with the new doctor.
The other kids are having their own issues. The oldest is fine. He understood what was going on better than the others. Next one down is having his reactions to my being gone now that I'm home. Refusing to do his homework, not wanting to get out the door for school in the mornings, acting up a bit. Pretty normal reaction under the circumstances. And the little one is just plain clingy. That will last for a while yet. She asks to be picked up a lot, and follows me around more than usual. The dog is very happy to have us home and gets nervous whenever someone goes out the door.
I'll post again sometime next week. Not doing Six Sentence Sunday this weekend. Not sure when I'll be back to it, but this first weekend back it's more important to spend the time with my family.