Now is the time to take a break, but not too long a break. I will go back to working on The DeFord Chronicles, Part II. The goal is to finish, edit, and publish it in 2014. If all goes well, North Pole: Confidential may also be finished, edited, and published before the end of next year. But I don't want to set my expectations too high, as we never know what life holds in store for us in the future.
My family had a nice Thanksgiving with two exceptions: three of the kids were in various stages of sickness, and I burned one of my fingers due to an unnoticed hole in an oven mitt.
I hope everyone has been well in my absence, and I promise to attempt getting back to a normal posting schedule. I also hope to resume my participation in Weekend Writing Warriors. Been missing the WeWriWa crowd, and reading everyone's posts.
That's all for just now. I'll post again next week, if not before.