The current topic of note is my first novel. I've been considering re-writing it as I believe I can do a better job with the story now than I did six years ago. I think it's a good story and it deserves a better and more thorough treatment, which I am now capable of writing (though six years ago I may not have been). It's also the first in a trilogy, so it would be an excellent idea to make it as good as possible so that people who don't know me personally might actually be interested in reading the series.
Why didn't I think of this five years ago when I self-published it? I think it's because didn't know any better. I was riding the high of having written a novel, knew no one else who had done so, and was pulled in by the ease of the POD world. I also have a tendency to edit continuously as I write, so even a first draft isn't exactly a first draft for me. It could be said that my interest in rewriting the book stems from the fact that now I do, in fact," know better."
I've also had some thoughts about the second draft of my new novel Bridging The Gaps. Things I could add to give the story and setting more depth. I've been getting very constructive feedback from first readers, and I'm encouraged that this is my best work yet.
Having gotten those thoughts out, I will proceed to playing mindless computer games until I'm too tired to keep awake. Should take about twenty minutes. Goodnight, or good morning, whichever you prefer.