So many things have happened lately that seem to be "out of the blue." Normally I wouldn't mind. I like blue. But lately the things coming out of it are not so great.
The major issue is that my baby sister has cancer. There are other things going on, but that's the only life and death one. The good news is that it's a type of cancer that is usually non-aggressive. The bad news is that when they went in to take it out, they may have found more. We're all waiting to see, which is all you can do. She's young, and generally healthy, so the prognosis is good overall, but it's still scary for all of us.
My two fully autistic sons are transitioning out of a therapy program that has been part of their lives for more than four years. We're working on figuring out the next steps, which may include us developing our own program as there's not a lot in our area, resource-wise.
Meanwhile school is now officially fewer than two weeks away! Oldest son will be in eighth grade, middle son is starting middle school (that could be fantastic or awful), third son will be in fourth grade, and our daughter---the baby of the family--starts Kindergarten.
I'll be getting back to a regular posting schedule soon, and doing interviews and guest posts on other blogs. I hope you'll join me in my cyber-travels.