I have in the past signed up and posted, and I have posted after forgetting to sign up. Today marks the first time I have signed up but forgotten to post.
What can I say? In summer the days all blend together and Sunday looks a lot like Wednesday. The last week has been particularly hectic as our youngest son (the 3rd of our 4 children) has not taken well to school being over. It was the first full week of summer vacation and it was a rough one.
We're trying to find a day program for him, in addition to respite care once a week. No luck so far. I may have to forgo Six Sunday for the summer and choose respite day to share a bit of my work. Haven't made a decision but I'll be doing some definite thinking about it.
Today has been a day of running interference as everyone seems to be getting on each other's nerves. I'm hoping the afternoon will be just too hot for squabbling, and that a little ice cream will soothe the savage beasts.
Wish me luck, and have a great Sunday.