In light of the recent tragedy in Aurora, CO I am torn between posting a funny six (because I think everyone could use a laugh right now) and a more somber six, (because pain and loss are universal and even in books full of humor there is sorrow).
My decision today is to honor the victims and their families through sharing the sufferings of one of my characters. I'm also posting more than six sentences. I know that is against the rules and it will mean my link will be deactivated. That's ok.
Ellen's friend Jessie has lost her three-year-old granddaughter to a car accident. Her daughter Anna, the girl's mother, was badly injured and hasn't regained conciousness. Anna's husband is in the Army, serving in Afghanistan. Jessie's husband a pastor and she is a deeply religious woman, but she always speaks her mind, even with the Almighty.
“Dear God, I don’t see why this was necessary. Did you need her back so desperately? A week before Thanksgiving. Your timing stinks! I know you have a plan, but damned if I understand it. You know this brings back little Jimmy. I live with that pain every day of my life. It’s never gone away. Now Anna has to live with it too. She was only three years old. Was her work done? Are you short a few angels? She’d make a good one. Always brought joy to our lives.” She wiped tears away. “Well. Thank you for letting us have her for even this short time. And please bring Bobby home safe. His wife and his sons need him. Oh, and don’t you pull another stunt like this, Lord. Not while I’m still living. There’s only so much a woman can take.”
Thank you for visiting. Please also visit the myriad talented authors who posted Six Sentences this week. God Bless you.