The process is quite simple. Link back to the person who recommended you for the award, answer some questions about your favorite sweets, and tag a baker's dozen of other sweet bloggers. Here are my answers to the decreed questions.
1. Cookies or Cake? This is a hard one for me, but I'm going to have to go with cake.
2. Chocolate or Vanilla? Usually chocolate. Though I almost had a chocolate overload yesterday--a thing I did not think was possible before trying Culvers' Chocolate Oreo Volcano frozen custard. The COV nearly had me convinced that there is indeed such a thing as too much chocolate. Scary. I shall avoid that flavor in the future.
3. Favorite sweet treat? Um...other than chocolate in all its glorious forms? Probably pie because there are so many variations. And most are fruit-based, and fruit is good for me. :o)
4. When do you crave sweet things the most? There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. It really varies. Except for a certain cyclical chocolate craving. Regardless of what scientific experts say, that craving does exist, and it is triggered by hormones.
5. If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be? Heck if I know! I'm not very tall so maybe shortcake? If anyone has any ideas of a good sweet nickname for me, please let me know.
Questions answered. Now it is time to nominate a baker's dozen (13, for those who don't know) of super sweet bloggers:
Teresa Cypher
Donna Cummings
Sara Barnard
Lauren Royal
Sarah Ballance
Emma Lai
Sandra Sookoo
Charmaine Gordon
Ann Swann
Carrie Crain
Joanne Stewart
Carrie-Anne Brownian
Kate Meader
That's it. Now I must notify my nominees. For this task I will use a combination of Twitter, blog comments, and Facebook. Thank you for reading. Please stop by again for a peek at my WIP The DeFord Chronicles, Part II for Weekend Writing Warriors on Saturday and/or Sunday.