"Asgrid Frodarsdottir," Jorgen nodded deferentially. "I see you brought your niece."
Maja leaned heavily upon her aunt's arm but held her head upright. Her eyes snapped and only with difficulty did she manage to keep from speaking out that she had as much right there as did any man of Hilvard.
"I value her counsel, and her judgment," Lady Asgrid explained. "I would not exclude her from this meeting any more than my dear Hjelmar would have."
At this Jorgen raised his brows but said nothing, impressed that as great a warrior as Hjelmar would enlist the aid and request the counsel of one so young.
"As you wish." He said, shrugging as if it was no matter to him whether the family dogs attended. "There is little left here, as you well know. I do not pretend to have any knowledge of what supplies might still exist after the Berunians finished sacking your village, but there is little enough in the way of shelter for the coming winter. I offer protection and passage to my lands for any who wish it. Once there you may stay the season, and you shall be welcomed, fed, and treated as any others. When spring comes, you may choose to stay in Hilvard or return here, and my own men will escort you back and assist in rebuilding if that is your wish."
The few men gathered spoke to each other in hushed tones. One elderly man, with a bandaged arm called out. "And what is it you require in return?"
Jorgen acknowledged the man with a curt nod. "Anything you can recall about Morgyt's men, where they attacked from, where they planned to go next, anything at all that was noticed might be of use to me."
"Why?" another man ventured. "The quarrel is between us and Morgyt. It does not involve you."
"No, it does not." Jorgen agreed. "But Morgyt has plagued my lands, and my people, and I have vowed to stop him. Help me or not, as you wish. Accept my offer or not. But be quick about your decision. My men and I leave on the morrow at dawn."
The foreigners strode out of the clearing, leaving the village folk to talk the matter over.
That's it. That's the last part. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Do not copy without permission etc. If you're still with me, please let me know what you thought of the chapter. Thank you!