We're in Chapter 43 of The DeFord Chronicles, Part II and Lord Everard Carlisle has just learned he's been outsmarted regarding the marriage of his niece. The speaker is Count Marcel DuClerque, son of His Grace the Duke of Oglen. Carlisle has just demanded to see the duke about the matter.
“You may seek an audience with him if you wish it, but he will tell you what I am telling you now.” Marcel may not have smiled but his eyes at least spoke of pleasure in the message he conveyed. “I saw the original draft of the contract. Saw with my own eyes that it was always intended for my nephew to wed your niece. I saw the document while the ink of your signature was still wet. If you wish to blame someone for the trick you feel was played you, blame the fool who signed a contract he had not bothered to read. You shall find him in the looking glass. Good day to you.”
Marcel has turned out to be far more fun to write than I'd anticipated, and Carlisle is an odious man, so writing this scene was extra enjoyable.
I may not be posting next Sunday, as that is my birthday. So I'll go ahead and say Happy New Year to you all, and Happy-Merry Whatever You Celebrate!
See you around the WeWriWa list.