My timing isn't the best as I have a meeting tomorrow, but I had a meeting today too. This is a busy weekend. But I'll make sure to make my round of visits if it takes me all through Monday to do it!
I thought I'd give everyone a taste of my new WIP (not that the old one is finished by any means). North Pole: Confidential tells the story of what really goes on up there. Jackson Frost is a detective sent up north to investigate a missing elf case. Posing as a writer doing research for a book and a magazine article, he finds himself charmed by the small town atmosphere, the comprehensive healthcare, and Santa's daughter Angel. But sinister forces are at work and it is up to Jackson and a cast of colorful characters to save the day, and maybe even Christmas.
Using the random scrolling method I give you eight lines from Chapter 5.
After a week at the North Pole Jackson still marveled that there was a hotel anywhere in the world that still used actual keys instead of key cards or some other advanced technology. He fished his room key from his pocket and inserted it into the lock only to find that his room door was unlocked already. He let it swing in, even more surprised to find that a light was on in the kitchen portion of the suite, and from the angle of the beams on the floor it looked like there was one on in the bedroom as well. He kicked off his shoes to minimize the sound of his footfalls.
Cautiously, he drew the gun he always carried on his person and eased into the room, checking behind the door and keeping his back to one wall as much as possible. There was music playing softly, and a crackling blaze in the fireplace, but other than that he could not hear anything suspicious. Moving silently, he kicked the door closed and it shut with a loud bang.
“Oh,” a soft, feminine voice exclaimed.
That's it for me. I don't know why my blog has switched fonts on me but, oh well. See you around the blogs of other great WeWriWa participants!