Meet our hero.
Sir Nicholas Carroll turned up the collar on his great coat against the breeze. It was chilly this afternoon. His business finished for the day, he decided to visit the chestnut seller two blocks over--Bixby always had a joke or two to share, and Nicholas was in a humor for merriment. If he must come to town at this time of year, he might as well enjoy the small luxuries to be had.
When Nicholas arrived at the stall, he saw two boys running it. “But where is Bixby?” he asked.
The boy he took to be the elder of the two answered. “Off to visit his daughter. My brother and I are minding the stall for him. He’ll be back tomorrow, if you wish to speak with him.”
That's all for this week. More to come. Thank you for visiting, and I look forward to reading your excerpts!